Our Bungalows

Perfect Blend
of Luxury and
Each located in a unique and idyllic setting. From the lush rainforests of the Knuckles Mountains to the pristine beaches of the south coast, we have a bungalow to suit every taste.

Find Your Perfect Bungalow

Iona Bungalow
10 Adults
5 Bedrooms with bathrooms
5hr Drive from Colombo
46min Drive from Hatton
Kudaoya Bungalow
10 Adults
5 Bedrooms with bathrooms
5.5hr Drive from Colombo
47min Drive from Matale
Udapola Bungalow
10 Adults
5 Bedrooms with bathrooms
2.5hr Drive from Colombo
30min Drive from Dehiowita
Yala Chalets
22 Adults
5 Chalets
3.5hr Drive from Colombo
2min Drive from Kirinda