Amidst the breathtaking landscapes of Deraniyagala, the Udapola Bungalow unfolds as a tranquil haven, surrounded by verdant greenery and the gentle symphony of rivers and streams.
A tranquil haven in Deraniyagala's lush, scenic landscapes.
The journey to this haven is a scenic exploration through picturesque rows of rubber trees and winding paths adorned by the undulating beauty of low-grown tea plantations, culminating in the embrace of Udapola's serene gardens.
Through picturesque rows of rubber trees to serene gardens.
The Bungalow’s generous open verandas offer myriad cosy alcoves, presenting an idyllic space to unwind and immerse oneself in the lush tapestry of nature's green hues while being serenaded by the melodious songs of the native birds.
Cosy verandah spaces immersed in lush, melodious nature.